Week Eighteen: Penguins

Rachel (Oak mom): Meanwhile, the third graders are reading this fabulous classic.

Christine (lead teacher of the Acorns): Did you know I have many, many penguins writing letters to me? So many, in fact, that I can’t keep up with all the responses.  Together, the class wrote a letter to one of the penguins, and then Darling wrote a postcard to another penguin.  Whew…almost caught up in my responses.  We learned many facts about penguins this week, as well as revisiting Tacky and his crew:  Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect. 

Mr. Popper's Penguins
By Richard Atwater, Florence Atwater
Buy on Amazon

A Few of Our Favorite Books

Jill (Acorn mom): We "read" the book "You Choose" for a year straight. It’s a book where the kid tells the story by choosing the characters, what they wear, where they live, and what they do. My son loved having control of the story. Now that he is learning to read, those skills are really shining through. He has a keen eye for details and loves weaving a story by looking at the pictures. He can pull out words on the page from the pictures. We read the book so much we had to buy a new copy. :)

Rachel (Oak mom): Both my kids loved this when they were little, and it’s one of those children’s books that has some quiet wisdom for parents, too. In this simple story, a boy plants a seed. Everyone says it won’t grow, but he tends it carefully nonetheless. Guess what? Eventually, it does grow. Keep this in mind when you are convinced that your kid will never learn to use the potty, learn to read, learn to drive, or move out of your basement. With a little encouragement from you, they will.

Planning a Winter Solstice Celebration


Since this is our first year as a school we are creating traditions we hope last well into the future. It seems one of these traditions is celebrating the seasons as a community. On November 1st we celebrated the Fall with a Fall Festival. The students spent extra time outside among the trees, read Fall themed books, completed an acorn painting, counted seeds in two large pumpkins, and enjoyed homemade applesauce they cooked together.

We’re lucky to be in school on the shortest day of the year this year! It’s also the day before our Winter Break. To celebrate the return of the light we are planning a fun Winter Solstice Celebration. I happen to have a 10 month old so I have plenty of baby food jars laying around. Each student will get their own jar and make their own candle.

Earlier in the week I plan on having the students do this fun activity. I would do it during our celebration but I have a feeling they won’t dry in time to be sent home that day.

For lunch, all the families will be invited to take part in a potluck. It should be a warm, celebration of the season as we all gather together and celebrate.

Stay tuned for pictures from our celebration. Before we know it we’ll be celebrating Spring and then Summer!