Alicia (lead teacher of the Oaks) - A few highlights from the week: Mini Snow People on the playground, playground surveys and interviews, late fall walks inspiring prose poetry, the magic doubling pot, number words, Shel Silverstein, Spanish animals, partner mirror movement. On Friday, the Oaks read One Grain of Rice. In the story, A raja hoards his region's rice and during a famine, a girl name Rani devises what she thinks is a clever plan. She asks the raja for one grain of rice. Every day for 30 days, the raja shall give her double what he gave her the day before. We read until the 13th day when Rani receives 4,096 grains, about enough to fill a bowl. I asked the children to think about whether or not Rani really is clever.
Christine (lead teacher of the Acorns) - We began learning about solid shapes this week and enjoyed using our knowledge to build structures and recreate an image by following multi-step directions. We reviewed left and right again, and discussed flat vs. round shapes. We noticed that bigger shapes take up more space, and we began to measure items in non-traditional measurement units. We read: