Week 31: Amazing Acorns


Literacy: We had a fabulous guest reader on Wednesday....none other than our very own M! He read A Bad Day at Riverbend by Chris Van Allsburg to us and handled the pressure like a pro. Continuing the Chris Van Allsburg theme, Miss Alicia treated us to a Read Aloud of Probuditi; it’s a clever story about a birthday boy and his very smart sister. Darling has five new sight words: ran, saw, she, soon, there.

—Christine, lead teacher of the Acorns Kindergarten class.

Math: Double digit number bonds, anyone? These kids are math wizards! We wrapped up our unit on addition and subtraction this week, and reviewed 10s frames. We’ve dipped our toes into our next unit... Numbers to 100! This unit is a big one so we’ll be in it for a bit.

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